South Carolina Highway Patrol Working to Achieve Target Zero in 2015

Unfortunately, highway fatalities were up last year in South Carolina, with 807 traffic deaths. South Carolina Highway Patrol is hoping to decrease that number to zero in 2015, with the state's brand new Target Zero initiative.

The Target Zero initiative is a part of SC's Strategic Highway Safety Plan, which was developed a few years ago. It is a "comprehensive safety plan that provides a coordinated framework toward eliminating deaths and severe injuries on South Carolina's public roads." 

There are several specific areas the state and highway patrol are focusing on in working to achieve this goal in 2015, including drivers and passengers not wearing seat belts, speed-related deaths, and those more susceptible to severe injuries on the road: motorcyclists, pedestrians, moped operators, and bicyclists.

Troopers say the goal is simple:  "We are trying to target zero fatalities, so starting new in 2015 we just ask that people drive with care, and try to help us out with reducing these fatalities, and drive safely," said Hannah Wimberly of South Carolina Highway Patrol.

Troopers know this initiative is a big goal, but they are working hard to make it happen. Please drive carefully, and watch out for pedestrians and motorcyclists on the road. Don't drink and drive, and keep your vehicle in good operation condition. If you are injured in an auto accident, please contact 911 immediately, and seek medical attention. For legal help following an accident, please contact the experienced car accident lawyers at Steinberg Law Firm. We're here to help! 


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Updated on December 12, 2019

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