New Year’s Eve Safety Tips

Fireworks and Alcohol Don’t Mix

New Year’s celebrations are just around the corner. Although the holiday is one of the most fun and festive of the year, it is also the most dangerous. Throughout the year, about 36 individuals are killed every day in motor vehicle crashes that involve an impaired driver. That number increases to 45 people each day in the three days surrounding Christmas, and the number jumps to 54 people each day over the New Year’s holiday. It is also a holiday when more fireworks injuries are reported.  Each year, many are injured while handling fireworks because their judgment has been impaired by alcohol.

Before you unwrap your firecrackers, check out these safety reminders to ensure an injury-free New Year’s Eve:

  • Designate a shooter who hasn’t been drinking any alcohol. 
  • Only use fireworks outside, clear of overhead obstructions.
  • When setting up, look for a spot that is far from flammable materials.
  • Do not set up over dry grass.
  • Keep fireworks away from young children.
  • Keep a filled water bucket around and/ or a water hose within close distance.
  • Check the local laws regarding the use of fireworks.
  • Pour water over used fireworks and dispose them in a metal trash can.
  • Keep spent products away from combustible materials until the morning.
  • Remember that alcohol and fireworks don’t mix.

For more firework safety tips, you can visit the National Council of Firework Safety .

Celebrate safely this weekend!

If you or someone you know has been injured, contact the Charleston personal injury attorneys of The Steinberg Law Firm at 843-720-2800.

Updated on January 9, 2019

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