New Year New You
“A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
It is a common tradition to set resolutions for the new year. Resolutions can be goals that you wish to achieve in the next year. This can be a personal fitness goal, a career change, a family goal, or anything you choose. Nevertheless, the most important part of the resolution is that you develop a plan to accomplish this goal. Here are a couple of tips that will help you stick with your resolutions throughout the next year.
Set Lofty Goals
The goals you set for the next year should be big goals. Your objective is to work for multiple months towards this, so make sure that you’re setting goals that are ambitious yet achievable. Whether you are embarking on a fitness journey, traveling throughout the year, changing careers, or setting a new goal, make sure that this goal is something that you can dedicate your year to.
Segment Your Goals
Break your overall goal into smaller milestones. By setting smaller goals, you’ll help accomplish small wins that will eventually lead to a bigger overall goal. Sometimes working towards a large goal can feel impossible because of the time it takes to achieve it. This is why smaller goals can help retain your attention and help visualize your progress towards the bigger picture.
Visualize It
Seeing your objective written down is a strong motivator to achieve it. Visual reaffirmation of your goals helps you stay loyal to resolutions and avoid falling away from your objectives. It also helps to hold yourself accountable and serves as a constant reminder of all the work you have put in so far.
Reward yourself
It’s essential to reward yourself from time-to-time. When achieving small goals it is extremely important to celebrate them. Not only is it good for your mental health but it also drives motivation and pushes you to continue in the pursuit of your goal. Your big accomplishments are a compilation of your smaller ones.
Be Prepared for Modifications
There may be some changes to your original plan along the way. Most long term goals iterate and change but still allow you to achieve the overarching objective. Be sure to check on your progress after every month to ensure that you are “on-track” to accomplish your goals.
Use these tips and tricks to set new year’s resolutions for 2021 and create a detailed plan to achieve them. With careful planning, any goal you set can be achieved.
Steinberg Law Firm is dedicated to protecting our community in the legal space whenever possible. Much like new years resolutions, meticulous planning goes into every court battle as we aspire to legally protect our community as much as possible. If you find yourself needing legal counsel please contact us by visiting our website or calling us at 843-720-2800.
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