Woman Files Lawsuit for Death of Husband

A Charleston woman has filed six lawsuits against her husband’s former workplaces, claiming that the asbestos that was present at the companies caused him to get lung cancer and die.

The man was sent to several different companies to fix manufacturing equipment and was routinely exposed to the toxic pollutant throughout his time at six of the companies. His wife claims that he was not adequately warned about the dangers of his working environment, and his employers did not provide him with safety equipment, such as goggles or a mask, to protect him from the asbestos.

The woman’s husband was diagnosed with lung cancer shortly after working at these companies and died. The woman is suing for punitive, as well as compensatory, damages.

If someone you love has died because of the negligence of an employer, please contact the Charleston wrongful death attorneys of the Steinberg Law Firm at 843-720-2800.

Updated on March 15, 2011

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